Revision history for fredregistry

Revision [3569]

Last edited on 2015-04-03 10:52:29 by BrianKoontz
--zone_fqdn=$1 --ns_fqdn=ns1.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns2.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns5.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns6.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns7.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns21.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns21.opennic.glue
--handle=$1 \
--country=$2 \
--organization=$3 \
--reg_name=$4 \
--handle=$2 \
--certificate=$MD5 \
--zone_fqdn=$1 --ns_fqdn=ns1.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns2.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns5.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns6.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns7.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns21.opennic.glue
--zone_fqdn=free --ns_fqdn=ns21.opennic.glue
--handle=$1 \
--country=$2 \
--organization=$3 \
--reg_name=$4 \
--handle=$2 \
--certificate=$MD5 \

Revision [2599]

Edited on 2011-08-22 20:13:03 by JulianDemarchi
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl omniidl-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb omniidl-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb-nameserver omniorb python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5 sendmail ldnsutils python-libxslt1 python-libxml2
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl omniidl-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb omniidl-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb-nameserver omniorb python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5 sendmail ldnsutils

Revision [2598]

Edited on 2011-08-22 20:03:11 by JulianDemarchi

No Differences

Revision [2597]

Edited on 2011-08-22 20:02:28 by JulianDemarchi
**Debian Wheezy**
**Debnain Wheezy**

Revision [2596]

Edited on 2011-08-22 19:58:31 by JulianDemarchi
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl omniidl-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb omniidl-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb-nameserver omniorb python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5 sendmail ldnsutils

Revision [2595]

Edited on 2011-08-22 19:57:53 by JulianDemarchi
Answer any questions asked during install. If you're unsure of the answer, select the default option.
**Debnain Wheezy**
Answer any questions asked during install. If you're unsure of the answe, select the default option.

Revision [2562]

Edited on 2011-08-08 10:16:53 by SinuC [added gentoo deps/cleaned scripts/ssl quicksetup/troubleshoot/little restructured]
**Debian based**
Answer any questions asked during install. If you're unsure of the answe, select the default option.
//omniORBpy-3.6// has to be installed via sources, portage does not include it and layman's overlay (science) does not compile successfully.
download at:
$ tar xjf *bz2; cd omni*
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/ --with-omniorb=/usr/; make
$ sudo make install
USE flags
dev-db/postgresql-server doc python perl
dev-libs/libxslt python
media-libs/gd truetype jpeg fontconfig
dev-libs/libxml2 python
media-gfx/graphviz python
dev-libs/boost python
dev-util/boost-build python
dev-libs/clearsilver python
net-misc/omniORB ssl
net-libs/ldns python ssl
net-dns/fpdns ~amd64
app-office/openerp-server ~amd64
dev-python/simpletal ~amd64
net-libs/ldns python ssl
net-misc/omniORB \ # robust, high-performance CORBA 2 ORB
Basic Build tools
gcc autoconf make bison \ # Basic build tools
dev-libs/clearsilver \ # fast, powerful, and language-neutral HTML template system
dev-libs/boost \
dev-libs/libdaemon \
media-fonts/freefont-ttf \ # TrueType Unicode fonts
dev-libs/libxml2 \ # library to manipulate XML files
net-dns/libidn \ # Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) implementation
www-servers/apache dev-lang/php \ # Webserver
www-apache/mod_python \ # Apache2 module providing an embedded Python
bind bind-tools \ # Nameserver
net-dns/fpdns \ # Fingerprinting DNS servers
net-dns/ldns-utils \ # Set of utilities to simplify various dns(sec) tasks.
app-doc/doxygen \ # documentation system
app-office/openerp-server \ # Open Source ERP & CRM
app-xemacs/xslt-process \ # XSLT processing support
net-misc/whois \ # improved Whois Client
dev-python/pyorbit \ # ORBit2 bindings for Python
dev-db/pygresql \ # A Python interface for the PostgreSQL database
dev-python/simplejson \ # JSON encoder/decoder for Python
dev-python/cherrypy \ # pythonic, object-oriented HTTP framework
dev-python/simpletal:4 \ # Python implementation of the TAL, TALES and METAL specifications - python2, use :5 for python3
dev-python/dnspython \ # DNS toolkit for Python
dev-python/imaging \ # Python Imaging Library (PIL)
dev-python/reportlab \ # Tools for generating printable PDF documents from any data source
emerge -n net-misc/omniORB gcc autoconf make bison dev-libs/openssl dev-libs/clearsilver dev-libs/boost dev-libs/libdaemon media-fonts/freefont-ttf dev-libs/libxml2 net-dns/libidn www-servers/apache dev-lang/php www-apache/mod_python bind bind-tools net-dns/fpdns net-dns/ldns-utils dev-db/postgresql-server app-doc/doxygen app-office/openerp-server app-xemacs/xslt-process net-misc/whois dev-python/pyorbit dev-db/pygresql dev-python/simplejson dev-python/cherrypy dev-python/simpletal:4 dev-python/dnspython dev-python/imaging dev-python/reportlab -vp
To run FRED correctly it should be run as it's own user. Create a user called fred on your system. Ensure that the user belongs to the postgres group.
Add 'fred'
# useradd fred -U -G postgres,cron,
# mkdir /home/fred; chown fred:fred /home/fred
# su - fred
$ wget; chmod +x fred-manager
$ ./fred-manager download
$ ./fred-manager configure
$ ./fred-manager install
check if fred is working at all at this point:
$ ./fred-manager start
SUCCESS: Starting PostgreSQL
SUCCESS: Starting omniNames...
SUCCESS: Starting FRED central registry CORBA servers...
SUCCESS: Starting Apache...
SUCCESS: Starting FRED webadmin HTTP server...
SUCCESS: Starting named...
cat bin/
if [[ ! $1 || ! $2 || ! $3 ]]; then
echo "Usage:" basename $0 "<TLD> <hostmaster@email.tld> <nameserver_FQDN>"
$ADMIN --zone_add \
Below is the script I use to add an extra NS to a TLD; (will be updated soon)
In order to register domains in the TLD just created, a registrar needs to be added to the system, given the correct permissions and an SSL cert needs to be created.
cat bin/
if [[ ! $1 || ! $2 || ! $3 || ! $4 || ! $5 ]]; then
echo "Usage:" basename $0 "<HANDLE> <Country> <Organisation> <Registrar name> <URL>"
echo "Example:" basename $0 "foo DE fubarorg 'Fu Bar' domain.tld"
$ADMIN --registrar_add \
--handle=$1 \
--country=$2 \
--organization=$3 \
--reg_name=$4 \
cat bin/
if [[ ! $1 || ! $2 ]]; then
echo "Usage:" basename $0 "<HANDLE> <FQDN>"
$ADMIN --registrar_add_zone \
--handle=$1 \
--zone_fqdn=$2 \
--from_date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
Create CA
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 4096
$ openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key ca.key -out ca.crt
Create CSR
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out client.key 4096
$ openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr
Sign CSR/Create CRT
$ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out client.crt
Remove Passphrase
$ openssl rsa -in client.key -out client-nopass.key
cat bin/
if [[ ! $1 || ! $2 || ! $3 ]]; then
echo "Usage:" basename $0 "<cert> <HANDLE> <password>"
$ADMIN --registrar_acl_add \
;ssl_cert = %(dir)s/test-cert.pem
;ssl_key = %(dir)s/test-key.pem
ssl_cert = path/to/client.crt
ssl_key = path/to/client-nopass.key
username = <HANDLE>
password = <PASSWORD>
1 - Troubleshooting
**find relevant logfiles**
$ find root/ -iname '*log'
**Problem: fred-webadmin/fred-pyfred won't start, when executing 'sbin/fred-webadmin' the following debug message appears**
KEEP LOGGING TO /home/fred/root/var/log/fred-webadmin/fred-webadmin-20110807.log
/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/cherrypy/lib/ DeprecationWarning: cherrypy.lib.http has been deprecated and will be removed in CherryPy 3.3 use cherrypy.lib.httputil instead.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/fred/root/sbin/fred-webadmin", line 9, in <module>
from fred_webadmin import adif
File "/home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/", line 54, in <module>
from webwidgets.templates.pages import (
File "/home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/webwidgets/templates/", line 4, in <module>
from fred_webadmin.webwidgets.forms.filterforms import get_filter_forms_javascript
File "/home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/webwidgets/forms/", line 11, in <module>
from forms import Form
File "/home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/webwidgets/forms/", line 10, in <module>
from fields import Field
File "/home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/webwidgets/forms/", line 715, in <module>
class MultiValueField(Field):
File "/home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/webwidgets/forms/", line 767, in MultiValueField
value = LateBindingProperty(_get_value, _set_value)
File "/home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/", line 35, in __init__
property.__init__(self, fget, fset, fdel, doc)
TypeError: readonly attribute
comment out line 26 in /home/fred/root/lib/python2.6/site-packages/fred_webadmin/
# __doc__ = property.__dict__['__doc__'] # see bug #576990
Answer any questions asked during install. If you're unsure of the answe, select the default option. To run FRED correctly it should be run as it's own user. Create a user called fred on your system. Ensure that the user belongs to the postgres group.
su into the fred account and issue;
When the download has completed, proceed to download and install FRED with the following commands;
chmod 755 fred-manager & ./fred-manager download & ./fred-manager install
./fred-manager start
$ADMCMD --zone_add \
Below is the script I use to add an extra NS to a TLD;
In order to registra domains in the TLD just created, a registrar needs to be added to the system, given the correct permissions and an SSL cert needs to be created.
$ADMCMD --registrar_add \
--handle=jdcomputers \
--country=AU \
--organization="JD Computers" \
--reg_name="JD Computers" \
$ADMCMD --registrar_add_zone \
--zone_fqdn=free --handle=jdcomputers \
$ADMCMD --registrar_acl_add \
ssl_cert = %(dir)s/test-cert.pem
ssl_key = %(dir)s/test-key.pem
username = jdcomputers
password = <password>
1 - Troubleshooting is out of scope for this howto
//This howto needs more refinement I think. I am not the best at writting this kind of documentation. If you see a problem, feel free to fix it. Remember to leave descriptive notes when saving your edits.//

Revision [2461]

Edited on 2011-03-02 11:03:04 by JulianDemarchi [added gentoo deps/cleaned scripts/ssl quicksetup/troubleshoot/little restructured]
For FRED to verify ssl certs, you first need to create CA authority; : a great link which shows how to create one and sign your SSL cert
To enable the new user to login, an SSL cert needs to created and its MD5 fingerprint placed into the FRED system. The following will create the cert and key;
openssl req -new -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout userkey.pem -out usercert.pem -days 3650 -config /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

Revision [2134]

Edited on 2010-05-12 12:03:44 by ChazzWolcott [Oh look, we forgot ldnsutils too! =P]
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl4 omniidl4-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab tinyerp-server xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb2 omniidl4-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb4-nameserver omniorb4 python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5 sendmail ldnsutils
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl4 omniidl4-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab tinyerp-server xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb2 omniidl4-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb4-nameserver omniorb4 python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5 sendmail

Revision [2133]

Edited on 2010-05-12 12:01:25 by ChazzWolcott [And sendmail]
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl4 omniidl4-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab tinyerp-server xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb2 omniidl4-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb4-nameserver omniorb4 python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5 sendmail
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl4 omniidl4-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab tinyerp-server xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb2 omniidl4-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb4-nameserver omniorb4 python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5

Revision [2132]

Edited on 2010-05-12 11:59:24 by ChazzWolcott [You forgot "libboost-thread-dev" ;P]
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl4 omniidl4-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab tinyerp-server xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb2 omniidl4-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb4-nameserver omniorb4 python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5
apt-get install apache2 postgresql gcc autoconf make bison build-essential libpq-dev omniidl4 omniidl4-python libomniorb4-dev libomnithread3-dev libdaemon-dev libboost-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev python-imaging python-reportlab tinyerp-server xsltproc apache2-threaded-dev liborbit2-dev libxml2-dev python-cherrypy3 python-simpletal python-omniorb2 omniidl4-python libapache2-mod-python omniorb4-nameserver omniorb4 python-clearsilver python-dnspython python-pygresql fpdns whois openssl libidn11 libidn11-dev python-trml2pdf ttf-freefont python-simplejson php5

Revision [2116]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-12-08 23:23:17 by JulianDemarchi [You forgot "libboost-thread-dev" ;P]
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