Revision history for GeekCharter
- revoking a domain for violation of .geek Charter or .geek or OpenNIC policy (always requires a vote)
- accepting a domain request with a purpose that might violate the .geek Charter
- changing the .geek Charter or Policies (always requires a vote)
- other matters that might arise from time to time regarding the operation and administration of the .geek TLD and related resources
- revoking a domain for violation of .geek Charter or .geek or OpenNIC policy (always requires a vote)
- accepting a domain request with a purpose that might violate the .geek Charter
- changing the .geek Charter or Policies (always requires a vote)
- other matters that might arise from time to time regarding the operation and administration of the .geek TLD and related resources
* revoking a domain for violation of .geek Charter or .geek or OpenNIC policy (always requires a vote)
* accepting a domain request with a purpose that might violate the .geek Charter
* changing the .geek Charter or Policies (always requires a vote)
* other matters that might arise from time to time regarding the operation and administration of the .geek TLD and related resources