Revision [3334]

This is an old revision of ConfiguringYourComputer made by CalumMcAlinden on 2014-08-23 16:05:39.


Here are some basic instructions on configuring your personal computer to access the OpenNIC Top-Level Domains (TLDs).

If you've configured a different operating system to use OpenNIC, please add it to this page.

General Information

Note 1: In any place in the information below where you would normally see an IP number, those numbers have been replaced with a link to the page of Tier2 Public Name Servers. Please see this list to choose the appropriate server for your use.

Note 2: Since most operating systems will use the DNS servers in the order in which it lists them, it is important that you put the OpenNIC servers first if you will be including non-OpenNIC servers in your list as well. This will guarantee that lookup attempts will go to the OpenNIC system before the ICANN (or other) system, and will thus resolve OpenNIC names correctly.


Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives (graphical)

Windows 8

Windows XP

Unix and Unix-like Operating Systems

This includes most of the straight Unixes (like SunOS and Solaris) as well as their Free Software/Open Source cousins (such as Linux, GNU/Linux, and the *BSDs).

Windows 98/NT/2K

-- There is a checkbox at the bottom of the advanced settings of the TPC/IP protocols's properties (w2k).

Plan 9 from Bell Labs


MacOS (with OpenTransport)

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