suggested Sequential Task List

  1. manually add Chris to the list of hosts
  2. carefully review existing configs for monitoring and alerting
  3. devise scheme for rsyncing configs, histories, etc.
  4. prepare downloadable tarball and instructions for next host

Ideas to be discussed

- Required MTA
- Pre-requisites (apache, ssh, etc)
- Email template that should be filled out when server established.
SERVER LOCATION (City, country):
Upon submission of this, the Audit team will audit the new Monitoring Station, and when approved, a hostname will be given with the .glue tld.
- Naming convention. for consistency with Hostmastering, .... where pp is province/state and cc is country
- We would like to consider/test a 'subversion (SVN)' system to keep revisions of the config files. Any ideas, recommendations? Who has this experience?

Future Ideas

I have been playing with Centreon at work, and I have found the graphing features it offers very useful. This could be applied to the auditing infrastructure to supply graph statistics, of;
- Latency from the monitoring host to the monitored host (can also set up monitoring agents, whos sole purpose is to feed data back to the monitor)
- DNS query response time

Using SNMP with a unique community name which would be hard to guess could also help get remote host information easier.
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