Revision [1986]

This is an old revision of dotParodyTLD made by BrianKoontz on 2009-06-29 12:42:05.



See archived .parody Charter: dotParodyTLDArchived


This charter version 7th February 2009.


The TLD does what it says on the tin. Sites registered under .parody, to cite the Wikipedia article on subject, are works '.. created to mock, comment on, or poke fun at an original work, its subject, or author, or some other target, by means of humorous, satiric or ironic imitation'

TLD specifics

The TLD follows the universally accepted rules for alphanumeric domain names, i.e. one can use letters (abc), numbers (123) and dashes/hyphens (--) in any combination
or sequence, up to a maximum length oif 64 characters. Spaces are disallowed though and the domain can't begin or end with a dash. .Single character domain names, i.e.
as in 'http://a.parody', are also available.

Certain TLD configurations may, at the Registry's discretion, be held on 'Registry Reserve' ( where appropriate generate funds for the registry itself ).

Registrant Criteria and Responsibilites

Registrations are available to all, on a 'first come, first served' basis, and are by definition, non-commercial. Otherwise there are no restrictions. Registrants will be limited to a reasonable number of domains, possible exceptions being dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Please note that 'domain squatting' with a view to 're-selling' or 'holding to ransom' is pro-actively discouraged ( unless of couirse the intention is a parody in itself! )

It highly recommended that, despite the TLD ending in .parody, domain and site holders stave off adverse controversy by publishing a disclaimer, preferably prominently positioned - possibly the entrance page to the site - stating that the site is indeed a parody, and should be taken as such. It is also recommended, though not mandatory, that a .parody registrant provide appropriate links to other .parody sites from their own.

Registrants of .parody domains must provide full, and valid contact details to the Registry, in order to complete their registration. The information provided is for internal use by the Registry only, and will not be made publicly viewable, nor divulged to any third party. The only exception to this policy would be a formal demand for such information by legal or other suitably authorised entities, in order to abide by, and comply with, current legislation.

NB It is the Registrant's responsibility to maintain the information supplied to the Registry as part of the registration process, keeping it current. The Registry reserves the right to continually monitor that due care has been taken in this respect. Failure by a registrant to keep their contact information current, may result in the suspension and/or cancellation of their domain name, and the inaccurate data permanently deleted from the Registry database. The original application process would then need to be repeated in it's entirety.

Fees and Charges

While not mandatory ( at the Registry's discretion ) 'fees'/ 'donations' may be an integral part of the registration process itself, and also for any hosting services supplied as part of, or as a consequence of, that process. Especially true in respect of domain registrations by commercial entities. All donations will be used to support the Registry, its administration, and it's underpinning systems.. Any and all funds received in such manner will be publicly acknowledged, where appropriate to do so, and the process handled in much the same way as that for other Open Source projects; i.e. open and transparent.

General Policiy

By default and intention, the .parody TLD strongly enforces a zero tolerance policy against UCE from registered domains. Domain owners who abuse their .parody registration in this manner, or knowingly assist third parties to do so, run the risk of their registration being immediately terminated.

By default and intention, the .parody TLD also strongly enforces a zero tolerance policy against all other nefarious forms of internet activity from registered domains owners, especially by those whose predetermined intention is to cause harm, hurt or distress, to other otherwise law-abiding Internet users. That kind of parody is better done elsewhere. Domain owners who abuse their .parody registrations in this manner, or knowingly assist third parties to do so, will not only have their registration immediately terminated, but will be permanently banned from re-registering the same or another domain. In a worst case scenario, their activities will also be reported to the appropriate authorities.

The .parody registry is run by its members, who are domain holders. However, .parody domain holders are not automatically OpenNIC members, and are thus not bound by it's published policies and decisions. Should a .parody domain holder wish to become an OpenNIC member, they may do so, but membership is not mandatory.

Where commercial interests are concerned trademarks may not be not honoured, due to the nature of parody itself. That stated, disputes may be considered under the .parody dispute resolution procedure, where it can be shown that savage satirical sarcasm or worse has gone way beyond the bounds of acceptability and good taste. Basically this means if you are not prepared to take the searing heat and resulting consequences, don't dish out the 'dirt'! ;o)

Proven violation of .parody policies will result in the immediate suspension of the domain name. However, no domain name will be suspended, barring very exceptional circumstances, on the basis of a complaint or dispute alone.

Dispute Resolution Policy

Disputes must be initially be brought to the attention of the .parody Hostmaster. The registrant will be contacted by the .parody Hostmaster, and their response solicited. In the event that the registrant or an authorised representative of the Registrant does not reply within 14 days, this will indicate the intention of the domain Registrant not to contest the dispute, and that the domain registration in question should automatically be transferred, suspended or released, or the the offending material removed.. If the dispute is not clear-cut, the matter will also be referred to a vote of the .parody membership.

Where legal issues are involved, the .parody TLD will abide by the decisions of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Obtaining proof of the violation of good taste will be sole responsibility of the entity raising the dispute.




The Dispute Resolution Procedure will provide democratic balance between the needs of the offended party and the rights of a parody domain holder.

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