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@@====Translation Guidelines for the OpenNIC Wiki====@@

<<Thanks to Alex Nordlund for helping to vet these procedures and for the Swedish translation!<<::c::

There are two areas of the wiki that are available for translation: The wiki content itself, and the wiki menus.

===Translating the wiki content===
Translating wiki content is straightforward, as there are no special procedures in place other than some page-naming procedures (see below). Under consideration is a system in which translators can optionally register for a language/languages, and the system will notify them whenever the "base" page (most likely English) is modified. This is not in place yet, but if we get enough interest in translating, I can easily add it to the wiki.

**Page-naming convention**
Given a page called ""TestPage"", the translator will create a new page with the same name, appending a country code as appropriate to the page:


In addition, each translated page should have the following wiki markup placed at the bottom of the page:


We might go with more specific language codes if country codes prove unworkable.

===Translating the wiki menus===

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