Revision [3180]

This is an old revision of Tier2Config-Script made by AlejandroMarquez on 2014-05-21 23:03:29.


Script to configure automaticaly a Tier2 on a Debian Os

debian 6 or 7

Contributed by AlejandroMarquez
  1. Enter to your server via root
  2. wget this file >
  3. Execute it:
  4. # sh
  5. Enjoy

The script basically do the update, upgrade, install some dns utils, nano and configure the bind.conf to make it work as Tier2.

And if you want to have your DNS server with SPYWARE, MALWARE and ADS block, use the other config:
  1. Enter to your server via root
  2. wget this file >
  3. Execute it:
  4. # sh
  5. and thats all

You can test the server in the page ->

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