By convention, the following domains are reserved within each TLD for special purposes - they should not be made available for public registration.

example.TLD Per the guidance in RFC 6761, this domain name should be reserved for use in documentation. The domain should resolve to an actual site, either the default registration site, or a special purpose site.
localhost.TLD Per the guidance in RFC 6761, this domain name should be reserved for use in documentation. The domain should resolve to an actual site, either the default registration site, or a special purpose site.
opennic.TLD This domain should resolve to the default registration site. Additionally, the email address hostmaster@opennic.TLD should be valid and should reach the administrator of the TLD.
reg.TLD This domain should resolve to the default registration site.
register.TLD This domain should resolve to the default registration site.
test.TLD Per the guidance in RFC 6761, this domain name should be reserved for use in documentation. The domain should resolve to an actual site, either the default registration site, or a special purpose site.
www.TLD This domain should resolve to the default registration site.

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