OpenNICCharter English

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Una versión anotada puede encontrarse OpenNICCharterAnnotated aquí.
Ratificado 06Aug2008.
Hash de la página: Unknown action ""hash""

Acta de constitución de OpenNIC


OpenNIC (Centro de Información de Red Abierto) es un servicio comunitario controlado por y propiedad de sus usuarios que ofrece una alternativa democrática y no-nacional a los registros tradicionales de Dominios de Primer Nivel (TLD) de internet. Los usuarios de los servidores DNS de OpenNIC, demas de resolver los nombres de host DNS controlados por el gobierno USA (administrados por ICANN), pueden resolver también los nombres de host de los espacios de nombres operados por OpenNIC, así como de los espacios de nombres con los que tenemos acuerdos de colaboración. OpenNIC acepta como miembro a cualquier personas que pueda usar un ordenador y que elige usar los servicios ofrecidos por OpenNIC.


  1. To offer free/open access to DNS services to everyone by establishing new domain hierarchies external to the existing ICANN-controlled domain infrastructure using current DNS protocols.
  2. To provide a foundation for further research and experimentation in areas related to DNS and the Internet.
  3. To promote the benefits of a DNS that provides for global access to services regardless of geographical, political, ideological, or economic constraints.
  4. To encourage the establishment of non-revenue-generating domain hierarchies in order to ensure continued freedom of access to the Internet.


OpenNIC is governed as a democracy. All decisions are made by a democratically-elected administrator and/or through a direct ballot of interested members. All decisions, regardless of how they are made, are appealable to a vote of the general membership.


General membership in OpenNIC is open to every user of the Internet. There are three categories of membership designed to prevent any person or group within the organization from achieving a position where they can force arbitrary or personally greedy decisions on the system, since any decision by any person or group can be appealed up to the general membership for a vote.


Changes to peering arrangements, introduction of new TLDs, and policy/charter amendments will be presented for discussion, then voted upon by the appropriate membership category. The vote process starts with public presentation of the issue in the appropriate forum, followed by a discussion window of not less than 7 days. After 7 days, a member of the OpenNIC community may motion a vote. The voting window will exist for 7 days, after which votes will be tallied and the decision made by the appropriate membership level will be announced. A simple majority of votes cast in favor of the issue (50% + 1) will determine whether the vote passes. Voting is regulated by the below rules.

1. Voting has to be started with an Announce Email that has the Title "VOTE: Subject"
2. The Email must state what the vote is about
3. The Email must state what happens when voting yes, and no
4. The Email must state the start and end time in UTC!
5. Voting will begin no earlier than 7 days from the date and time the proposal has been posted.
6. The active voting period before the end time may not be less the 48 hours

To cast your vote, a member must be signed up on http://www.opennic.glue. When a vote is called, the voting official makes the vote public on the site, it will appear in left column, and will only be viewable to registered users.
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