Revision [1554]

This is an old revision of HomePage made by ChrisPugh on 2008-06-10 05:17:14.


About this wiki

This wiki is a controlled-access work area for the various OpenNIC working groups (WGs). In keeping with the open access philosophy of OpenNIC, working group notes are world-readable. However, write access to the various WG areas are limited to participants in order to keep the signal-to-noise ratio to a manageable level. For more information on how to use this wiki, see: WikiCategory first, and then: CategoryWiki.

What is OpenNIC?

OpenNIC is a user controlled Network Information Center offering a democratic, non-national, alternative to the traditional Top-Level Domain registries. In case you were looking for them, the traditonal TLDs are currently served by Network Solutions with policies set by ICANN.

Users of the OpenNIC DNS servers, in addition to resolving host names in LegacyDNS the Legacy U.S. Government DNS, can resolve host names in the SponsoredTLDs OpenNIC operated namespaces as well as in the namespaces with which we have peering agreements.

How you can help...

If you would like to help OpenNIC, below is three things which OpenNIC needs to have accomplished to move forward;

If you are able to help out with any of the above three tasks, please put your name down on the project page and get in touch with the other team members to see what you can do! OpenNIC has a habit of running many projects at once which in turn does not help OpenNIC. The above three tasks are all OpenNIC needs help with, and as they start to become completed, more tasks will appear. This way OpenNIC only has a few projects running at one time so the community can start to work as a team more.
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