Revision [766]
This is an old revision of AuditingWG made by JulianDemarchi on 2007-08-04 11:43:39.
Monitors OpenNIC systems and files bugs against any which aren't functioning properly, sends alerts to TLD admins, and watches the status of the OpenNIC network.
On this section you will find the AuditingWG team's workboard. Any relevant information will be posted here, and will help keep you up to date with what we are up to.
* JulianDemarchi, coordinator* AvoYager
* DwlNetNl Anner van Hardenbroek
* Chris Pugh
* AU Monitor [alt] (login: guest)* UK Monitor [alt]
* US Monitor [alt] (login: guest)
* AuditingDiscussions DiscussionsCategoryAuditing