Revision [125]

This is an old revision of AuditingWG made by BrianKoontz on 2007-06-25 18:08:59.


Monitors OpenNIC systems and files bugs against any which aren't functioning properly

* Julian De Marchi, lead
* AvoYager

The Audit team has been very busy organizing and testing the Auditing systems. We have finally
decided on the Auditing package we will be using. This email is purely to inform the mailing
list of the status of the Audit team, and hopefully bring some more life to OpenNIC.

The Audit team has decided on using a packaged named Nagios [0] for the auditing backend. We
believe that Nagios is the perfect package to use, as it gives us more power to montior the
Opennic network, and pinpoint problems more accurately.

By using Nagios, we are now able to let the system email the appropriate teams in case of a
failure, and then a follow up email when the system returns to normal.

So as you can see, the finished system is going to be very powerful in regards to reporting and
monitoring the overall health of hte opennic network.

To Do

* An email from all TLD admins to confirm they want alert emails sent
* Robin to setup our DNS records for the Audit servers


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