Femme Splash!  

Frilly Alice

In the new spirit  of petticoat revival amongst the ladies!

Hello, My name is Alice, and a few years ago my husband and I attended a costume party where I dressed as a little girl with a wide crinoline party dress and pinafore.  In the course of the evening, I noticed a change come over my husband, and he seemed to have become down right smitten with me.  It was very sweet, and he had later confessed that he had always been aroused by the sight of pretty girls in wide bouffant dresses and that, with my more "womanly", figure I looked more like a 50's debutante than a little girl.  I personally do not feel that I fit the ideal image of the classic waspish
50's girl but never the less I will find occasion to dress for my husband who thinks otherwise...  besides it's kind of fun!  




Here is Alice in her Easter dress after church - 2003
 (No bonnet, though)

Nice to see someone wear her crinies in public!

Click on picture for a surprise that only WE Poufies can see!



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